Twitch channel


I like to build in public and would love to create a programming community. I streamed around 10 times a while back and then stopped, but I'm trying to get back on track. You can find me at

IP(v4) notifier


As I have some Raspberry Pi that I use to host some personal stuff, I wanted to be able to know when their public IPs changed. This is why I created a simple script that checks that and sends a telegram message to me if any IP changed.
You can find the script in its github repo:

telegram message from the script that contains the ip


In progress

Multiplatform bot to respond/react to different commands in different streaming platforms. It is built in Rust (I'm trying to learn the language) and the repository is public.

Minimalistic ui with the commands list and the selected command text



Random terminal-based Snake game I created to mess with Rust crossterm crate. I developed the first part on stream. The repo is public so feel free to grab the code if you want: snakeli

Screenshot of a terminal-based Snake game

Game Of Life


Implementation of Conway's Game of Life in Rust. Server sends the grid to all connected clients each frame. The repo is public so feel free to grab the code if you want: game-of-rust

Four terminal panes synchronized showing the same game

Youtube channel


I'm exploring the possibility to start a Youtube channel but it is just an idea for now.



This project speeds up the creation of posts for social media sites, such as Linkedin. The idea is not to replace human posts but to accelerate the writing by getting a template to start working with.

Gonna integrate it with Twitter and make it available to everyone after that.

Discord bot


This is a discord bot with some commands integrated with the Riot Games API. You can also add several summoner names and it will notify with every game result from each of them.

discord bot message that says "Summoner has lost his last game. 5 in a row! 8 kills 14 deaths 6 assists. The summoner spent 22% of game time dead"



This is a twitter (@LolStatsBot) bot that responds to mentions making use of the Riot Games API. Mentions are deleted to clean up my twitter but you can imagine.

the list of available commands and their descriptiontwitter bot tweet saying "Summoner has lost its last game, 7 kills 13 deaths and 10 assists"